Kosher Certification

Kosher certification is one of the most essential steps you can take for your increasing food business. It improves your capability to market your products and allows you to use our Logo to recognize your product as kosher. It is of the highest kosher standard and is accepted by all sectors of the domestic market. It is not however appropriate for export purposes. If you need export certification please fill out the correct application.Kosher certification permits companies to have an edge over their competitors and permits them to sell to more customers than previously and makes export opportunities that previously did not exist to them. It opens up the American market in exacting where Kosher is approximately a market pre-requisite in order to get ones products into the American market. In Israel it is a market necessity and we find that Europe is also following the trend in America so it is a very quick increasing marketplace. Kosher Certification is also taken out by many customers even if they are not selling into the kosher marketplace or to Jewish people as it is seen as a sign of quality and reassurance. Our customers will range from the large multinationals like Proctor & Gamble & Unilever right down to small companies and right across the world from the UK to Indonesia etc.