RoHS, short for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, is specific to the European Union. The law revolves revolves the handling of hazardous materials, ranging from the manufacturing to the disposal of the material. While created inside of Europe for members of the European Union, other regions around the world have utilized and created offshoots of the RoHS. This includes nations throughout Asia (China, Japan and South Korea) and versions of it inside of North America as well. Manufacturers of hazardous material must become RoHS compliant in order to sell and distribute the product inside of the European Union, which is exactly why it is so vital for a company to obtain these credentials. The specific process set in place to assist these companies is rather straight forward though, so it should not prove difficult to follow through with the RoHS certification and RoHS compliance regulations.
In order to obtain the certification, it is necessary to seek out a third party company that provides test reports of the material, material declarations directly from the supplier and what is known as a Declarations of Conformity. It is all about testing the material, making sure its housing, manufacturing and distributing is aligned with the set forward regulations of RoHS.
When working with these third party organizations, they test the presence of different chemical compounds and components, including lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polybrominated biphenyls.